More than words




































Sayin "I love you" is not the words I want to  hear from you 

It's not that I want you not to say but if you  only knew 

how easy it would be to show me how you  feel 

make it real 

then you wouldn't have to say that you love  me 

'cause Ìd already know 

What would you do 

if my heart was torn in two? 

more than words to show you feel 

that your love for me is real 

What would you say 

if I took those words away? 

Then you couldn't make things new 

just by sayin' "I love you" 

la di da da da di da da di da..etc... 

Now that I have tried to talk to you  

and make you understand 

all you have to do is close your eyes and just  

reach out your hands 

and touch me, hold me close  

don't ever let me go 

more than words is all i ever  

needed you to show 

then you wouldn't have to say 

that you love me 'cause Ìd already know. 


I simboli delle tablature

Di solito, per fornire indicazioni su come suonare le note, si utilizzano lettere e simboli in corrispondenza delle note. In particolare, ecco le indicazioni più usate:

  • h - hammer on 
  • p - pull off 
  • b - bend string up
  • r - release bend 
  • / - slide up  
  • \ - slide down 
  • v - vibrato (a volte scritto così~) 
  • t - tap con la mano destra 
  • x - palm mute (le corde vanno stoppate con il palmo così da far suonare le note come "morte")
  • s - slide (sia up slide che down slide)


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