Nobody's wife

         Em        C        Am    G    G/F# 







I’m sorry for the times that I made you scream 

For the times that I killed your dreams 

For the times that I made your whole world  


For the times that I made you cry 

For the times that I told you lies 

For the times that I watched and let you  


                mi-        do           la-  sol  sol/fa# 

It's too bad, but that's me 

                mi-            do            la-    sol    sol/fa# 

What goes around comes around, yoùll see 

sol            la-  re     sol         do 

That I can carry the burden of pain 

                    la-         re             sol                do 

'Cause it ain't the first time that a man goes  


                  la-         re                   sol               do 

And when I spread my wings to embrace him  

for life 

                    la-                    re        sol        do 

Ìm suckin' out his love, 'cause I, Ìll never be  

nobody's wife 

Ìm sorry for the times that I didn't come home 

Left you lyin' in that bed alone 

Was flyin' high in the sky when 

you needed my shoulder  

Yoùre like a stone hangin'  

round my neck, see 

Cut it loose before it breaks my back, see 

Ìve gotta say what I feel before I grow older  

Ìm sorry but I ain't gonna change my ways 

You know Ìve tried but Ìm still the same 

Ìve got to do it my own way


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