
Fa                 Mim7          La7              Rem             

Yesterday   all my troubles seemed so far away    

Sib      Do7            Fa       Do    Sol7       Sib   Fa 

now I need a place to hide away oh I believe in yesterday 


Fa    Mim7       La7           Rem      

Suddenly  i'm not half the man I used to be  

Sib        Do7     Fa             Do    Sol7       Sib  Fa 

there's a shadow hanging over me oh I believe in yesterday 


Mim7  La7  Rem     Sib        La         Do7      Fa 

Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say 

Mim7 La7  Rem         Sib         La         Do7  Fa 

I said some thing wrong now I long for yesterday 

Fa       Mim7         La7           Rem       

Yesterday  love was such an easy game to play  

Sib     Do7             Fa       Do     Sol7      Sib   Fa 

now I need a place to hide away oh I believe in yesterday 


Mim7  La7  Rem     Sib       La        Do7      Fa 

Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say 

Mim7 La7  Rem        Sib         La         Do7  Fa  

I said some thing wrong now I long for yesterday 

Fa       Mim7         La7           Rem       

Yesterday  love was such an easy game to play  

Sib     Do7              Fa       Do     Sol7     Sib   Fa 

now I need a place to hide away oh I belive in yesterday 

Sol7           Sib     Fa 


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